Mon, May 12, 2014 at 3:57 PM
From: David Gordon
To: Peggy Weil
Cc: Alyce Dissette, Patsy Gay
dear peggy:
attached are 3 variations on story telling archival devices?
do not wish, necessarily, to choose one over another.
like the idea of ability to story tell in more than one style?
patsy says to say: "perhaps the structure of this web object can allow for simulateous viewing of different styles next to eachother, or changing from one style to another?
Or perhaps some styles of telling you think would work better on the web than others?"
very interested in your responses which I characterize as “stract” and “abstract”.
very interested in your interest in "Sally Bane's quote from the Arlene Croce article:
"a cubist painter [who] accumulates and organizes multiple views of a single phenomenon into one composition”
so please, when you have time, read 3 attachments?
thanks, dg
ps: i began, some time ago, to annotate this resume. it needs more work. please look at last pgs of resume which i continued to annotate last week.
On May 12, 2014, at 2:21 PM, Peggy Weil wrote:
Hi All,
I've been doing some research on prior attempts to archive/contextualize video and have been given some good leads by friends in the biz. It's enough to keep me busy for a couple of days and confer with them again today or tomorrow. My goal is to identify some approaches using the web, identify some of the people doing it, so as to be able to sketch some plans.
I think David can/should continue writing, that is the fundamental content of this - and continuing to identify chapters or pieces as belonging to one or more "themes."
I'd also like to begin collecting shorter quotes that might be appropriate for headings or certain screens. We can discuss this if it doesn't make sense, but sometimes, on the web especially, quotes can act as an anchor or entry point into a longer, more complex passage. Think magazine layouts.
I like the resumes and am thinking of them as the top level organizing principle; I like it because it is clear, it isn't overthinking or overly complicated: a resume is a straightforward chronological list which can serve as a structure from which to "hang" or "attach" all this writing.
But, I'm not sure we're ready to lock it down yet: just in case, we might want to throw out a couple of other possibilities, if only to discard them later.
One would be a horizontal timeline, another (and I hesitate to introduce this quote but think now is the time to introduce everything) might be Sally Bane's quote from the Arlene Croce article: "a cubist painter [who] accumulates and organizes multiple views of a single phenomenon into one composition"
There are issues with creating a cubist archive, that reads as a cubism visually - but we can talk about that.
I'd like to see what I come up with this week and try to schedule another talk Monday or Tuesday of next week. If I have a Eureka moment before then, perhaps Friday!
Let me know what you think.
3 attachments
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